
A chronicler of the daily life of Aleppo’s residents, Saad Yagan addresses “human issues that we all live in, allocating space to a specific topic that fits with the title of the experience and its dimensions, whether mythology, thought, literature or music.”

Born in Aleppo, Saad Yagan (1950) graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Aleppo in 1964 and the Faculty of Fine Arts, Damascus University in 1970. He established The Point, an art and literature gallery in Aleppo and has hosted several TV programmes on art. 

Focused on figuration, Yagan’s stylised bodies have serious, elongated faces, that are at many times depicted mid-movement. Depicting everything from café culture to the performing arts, his expressive and dynamic works are distinctive in the faces and bodies of their characters and feature a palette of predominately white, reds and blues.

Yagan’s works are featured in public and private collections such as the Musée Modern Museum in Brussels; Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts; Contemporary Art Museum of Montreal; National Museum of Damascus and Aleppo and the Syrian Ministry of Culture.